
Investor Labs

Merchant Banking and Investor Targeting


What is Investor Labs?

Investor Labs builds businesses. We work with small teams to structure and facilitate finance opportunities in the private markets, as well as large public corporations to draw significant institutional investment into their stock.

In the public markets today 90% of shares traded are by algorithmic strategies and do not respond to traditional marketing efforts. Investor Labs uses artificial intelligence to make companies more presentable to these algorithmic investors and capture significant additional fund flows, often a double digit percentage of the company’s free float. Management teams can now forecast when and how much buying will flow into their stock based on their presentations to the market.

Traditional manual Investment Banks and Investor Relations firms are limited by human to human interaction. The problem is so acute that JP Morgan forecasts 1/3 of Capital Market jobs will disappear by 2030.

For both small private operators and large public companies, Investor Labs attracts significant new investment channels beyond traditional sources.





Next Generation

Using cutting edge research in artificial intelligence and behavioral finance, Investor Labs created a system to search thousands of quant Institutional Investors' portfolios across the world and create buying moments for your company’s equity. We can tell you how to optimize your reporting and disclosures to mathematically drive the most investor attention and buying into your stock at the click of a button.


Enhance Pricing and Liquidity

Investor Labs helps you find motivated buyers and create buying moments customized to their individual algorithmic predispositions and biases. More demand for your offering against a backdrop of constant supply will drive prices higher and lower your cost of capital. It's simple economics.


Better Forward Guidance

Investor Labs enables company management to gauge market reception to forward guidance estimates by comparing projected investor demand across various scenarios.



Let's Chat.

Use the form below to contact us regarding your financing needs. Please be as detailed as possible. Include your industry along with any relevant information. To help us best service your inquiry, we recommend that you first describe your existing investor targeting approach before telling us what you want to achieve. We are happy to demo our product.